Monday 21 March 2016

Over-using Q codes in FM Simplex or while using repeaters

One thing that annoys me on 2m/70cm FM simplex or on repeaters is the overuse of Q codes in local contacts. Q codes are normally used in difficult to hear SSB contacts, most likely used in Morse code or digimodes.

One station near me uses "QSL" to punctuate sentences like some people use expletives.

He will say "Do you get what I mean QSL" or "I have a Raspberry PI QSL"

I overheard his conversation with another station today and it went something like this:
"I met a few of the guys from Manchester at a rally- one of the lads said you use satellites don't you - I said yes on my lickle (sic a Manchester word for little) HT - so we walked out to the car park and we had a do QSL - I worked a station by the satellite but he was a station in Croydon ha ha ha. QSL" (Croydon is also in the UK so irony of using a satellite to establish a local contact amused him hence the laughter)
He then continued:
"Satellites are alright and it would be ok normally but by the time they fly over I'm still in bed QSL" - then he drops carrier.

This station I use as an example is about 2 miles from me and is perfectly readable. It seems overusing "QSL" is a habit he just can't get out of.

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