Friday, 19 February 2016

Yaesu FT-450D one year anniversary

Well it is coming up to the 1st anniversary of the purchase of the FT-450D from Haydon Communications. In that time I have had occasional lockups of the rig requiring a power off reboot. I'm not sure why this happens. The connection to HRD via the CAT connector ceases and the front panel becomes non responsive requiring a reboot of the rig.

Other than that I have been extremely pleased with the radio. It is very sensitive and I have worked stations literally all over the world with it on no more than 35 watts.

Friday, 12 February 2016

An earthing/grounding stake on a 9:1 UNUN

Moonraker had a deal on the last weekend for earthing stakes. I bought the solid copper version and buried it underneath the feedpoint of my antenna.
The 9:1 UNUN feeding the 80m-6m length wire had a cable attached to the counterpoise cable so I connected it to the rod. The rig and ATU had to alter their settings to compensate for the change.

I still couldn't get the antenna to tune on 80m but all other bands were matched as before. I got a contact with a Japanese station JA1OTT on 17m and a Uruguay station CX9AU on 15m. So still working OK on all bands 40m to 6m including WARC bands.

Then I ran a few random length radials (just insulated wire) connected to the earthing stake and laid them on the ground. One of them I ran underneath the main antenna wire like a mirror image. Then I went back to the shack and found the external ATU (LDG Z-100Plus|) would match on 80m. This is a bit of a result so I will keep experimenting.

Ham Radio Deluxe Upgrade paid for

I've just paid for an upgrade to another year of support and upgrades for Ham Radio Deluxe. I got an earlybird discount of 15% off the purchase price of $49.95. This took the final price to $42.46 which works out in British Pounds at current rates to be £30.20

I think it is worthwhile paying this and it keeps people in work developing the software.

Monday, 8 February 2016

Ham Radio Deluxe Macro Management on the Yaesu FT450D

HRD is capable at some powerful macro management. Consider this:
You want to program HRD to set your rig to your favourite repeater. This is not difficult IF you work out the logic.

Here are the steps:

  • Set the operating frequency
  • Set the operating mode
  • Turn CTCSS encoding on - this will be needed on transmission but may also be needed on reception too.
  • Set the repeater shift
  • Set the repeater offset frequency
  • Set the CTCSS frequency
  • Set squelch

So on the FT-450D here's how I do it with the correct CAT commands:
Consider setting the rig to 6m repeater GB3SX in Stoke On Trent, England.