Thursday, 26 May 2016

6 metres is up

Today is 26 May 2016. I keep an eye on propagation predictions and current conditions using various websites. One of them is HRDLOG.NET which has current conditions shown in graphical format. This is a small piece of code that can be pasted into your own website to display this if you like, indeed I have it on this blog. Details on the website on how to do this.

Look how high the 6m bar is

4 metres is open too but I don't yet have a rig for that band

I noticed 6 metres was showing a lot of activity so I tuned the rig over to it. Lo and behold there were a load of stations both distant and close so I changed the antenna to my 6m vertical.

QSO after QSO followed for a couple of hours in the afternoon. Suddenly out of the VHF doldrums comes decent working.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Ham Radio Deluxe announces JT modes in their DM780 module

The management at HRD demoed a version of HRD containing JT65, JT9 and WSPR modes at Dayton. Not sure of what decoder they are using nor any more details of how it has been designed.
We'll see if it lives up to the hype when it finally gets released. Until then I will carry on using JT65-HB8HQX with JTAlert,