A typical QSO would go like this
- CQ G8YPH IO83 (CQ call)
- G8YPH G8RLR IO83 (QSO received by my station clock starts)
- G8RLR G8YPH -01 (QSO initial report sent clock minute 1)
- G8YPH G8RLR R-01 (QSO other station report sent minute 2)
- G8RLR G8YPH RR73 (QSO report acknowledged and 73 sent minute 3)
- G8YPH G8RLR 73 (QSO other station 73 sent minute 4)
So the logbook shows up 4 minutes elapsed time even though the initial CQ doesn't count in the logged QSO. So in theory you should be able to work 12 stations an hour (1 minute for the CQ and4 minutes for the logged QSO).